Everyone has a story worth telling— and this is mine.

Words and sentences and stories help me make meaning of life. Leaning in to the human experience in its entirety is what connects us, and I hope you find pieces of yourself in my work. Whenever I read words that hit me with their relevance, I say “Oh my god, Me too. They get it.” And that’s typically the reprieve I need within both beauty and suffering of life- that ease that comes with the feeling of being understood.

I’ll keep writing with an open heart, and my hope is that you read with one, too.




And I hope that some of this touches your soul.



Perhaps this will motivate you to tell your own stories.



With someone you believe any of my work resonates.


A Little Bit About me:


Amanda Blackwell

Favorite quote:
”If it is right, it happens. The main thing is not to hurry. Nothing good gets away.” -John Steinbeck

All things active- figure skating, yoga, surf. Existential confusion and the exploration that follows.

A bio written by Laura Lentz:

Amanda’s goal as a writer is to help you love yourself, even if you are beginning to look like your mother or your grandmother. She's funny, honest and opening. Every woman needs body wisdom, an exploration of emotions and a place to express. Writing for Amanda is just that. A former professional figure skater now surfer working on her memoir, she is an inspiration to all women, making us laugh while reminding us who we are.